Pelvic FloorFit & Regression


Pelvic Floor Fit & Regression

No matter how old you are, whether you’ve already had children or not – our pelvic floor muscles are all too often neglected by us! We only notice after a birth, during intense sports, trampoline jumping or a strong sneeze that she also urgently needs attention.

In our Pelvic FloorFit class, which is also suitable for postpartum, we gently train these deep-lying muscle layers as well as their surrounding helpers, the abdominal and back muscles. If you have just become a new mom, then you can gently remind your pelvic floor of its holding and supporting tasks again and train it gently but consistently in this course from about the 6th-8th week after birth. The ultimate goal of our training is to re-stabilize your body from the depths, thus sparing your back, strengthening your well-being and continence.

Who is the course suitable for?

Women and moms of all ages, your child is welcome to join the class (up to 1 year of age)

Course time and place

Wednesday 12:15-13:15

YoFit – The Center
for yoga and fitness

Course costs

One-way ticket


Ticket for ten (valid for 4 months)


Health insurance companies cover 2x per year
pro rata the course fees!

From the third ten-ticket in the calendar year for adults and children we give you 10 Euro discount!

Wartungsarbeiten im Buchungsportal

Liebe Sportler, vom Mittwoch, den 26.06. bis Dienstag, den 02.07.2024 wird keine Kursbuchung über unsere Webseite oder die App möglich sein.
Wir bitten Euch daher euch bereits bis zum 25.06. für die folgenden Tage einzubuchen.

Wir wechseln unseren Buchungsportalanbieter und ihr werdet eine Mail erhalten, Euren Account neu zu bestätigen und ein neues Passwort zu vergeben. Vielen Dank für Euer Verständnis! Euer YoFit-Team