Children's dance


Children's dance

In rhythm – how dancing supports child development.

In the movement to the music, the dancer experiences strength, energy and self-confidence. Children still have the natural urge to move in a dance-like manner, to turn, bob and sway. But they need time and space to live this out.

The many sensory experiences that children make in dance movements – whether moving together with others in rhythm or experiencing the expressive power of their own bodies – make a great contribution to healthy physical and psychological child development. But dancing not only supports the ability to learn and makes mentally balanced, it is also an excellent means to improve the balance of the body in case of postural weaknesses and malpositions.

Our first priority is the joy of movement in harmony with the music!

Course time and place

Tuesday (from 4Y)
(from 6Y)
(from 4Y)
Thursday (from 6Y)

15:45 – 16:30
16:45 – 17:30
15:45 – 16:30
16:45 – 17:30

YoFit – The Center
for yoga and fitness

Course costs

One-way ticket


Ticket for ten (valid for 4 months)


From the third ten-ticket in the calendar year for adults and children we give you 10 Euro discount!

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